Category: Dog Behavior Management

  • Are Dogs More Judgemental Than We Think?

    Are Dogs More Judgemental Than We Think?

    Research suggests that dogs are capable of making judgements based on our behavior. Is this something we can adapt for our shy, reactive or aggressive dogs or do they even have the same ability? Dogs Judge Unhelpful People It’s more likely that dogs aren’t capable of magic, but may be more in tune with behaviour…

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  • 6 Other Ways to Keep Others Away From Your Dog

    6 Other Ways to Keep Others Away From Your Dog

    Of course we rely on our voice to communicate to other that they should keep their distance. However there are some of the pitfalls dog handlers run into that sometimes makes this simple solution not so simple. Pitfalls So we’ve put some suggestions together on what else has worked for other people who might help…

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  • Seven Facts on Young Dog Bite Victims

    Seven Facts on Young Dog Bite Victims

    Many dog bites go unreported. But according to dog bites that are reported, young children, particularly under the age of nine are most at risk for dog bites. Most are bitten by a dog that they know. Most children are bitten while on the dog owner’s property. That suggests that while we may be cautious about strange…

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  • Controlling dog aggression by using a dog muzzle

    Controlling dog aggression by using a dog muzzle

    If it is possible your dog might bite, or your dog is aggressive, snarky or reactive, or if your dog is in a situation where they are in pain, you really should consider investing in and training your dog to wear a dog muzzle. On the one hand, people can feel more confident when their…

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