Halloween Dangers For Dogs Infographic

Halloween can be scary for dogs!  With all the preparations we can get so distracted on Halloween that sometimes we forget about how it might affect our dog. Here are some reminders of the Halloween dangers that can not only affect the well-being of dogs and but pose threats to the safety of those around them.

Halloween Dangers For Dogs Infographic


Halloween can be scary for dogs!

Can you put your dog somewhere they won’t be affected by the evenings activities? Can you stay outside to hand out candy rather than have people knock, ring the doorbell or approach the door? Thinks of ways to minimize the risks so the night can be good for everyone!

Risk factors:

  • Ringing door bells, door-knocking and excited children can exhaust or upset dogs making them less tolerant and more likely to react badly.
  • People in costumes can be alarming to dogs. A barking dog is not a calm dog.
  • Opening doors are opportunities for dogs to plan an escape.
  • Dogs can’t predict what will happen next on Hallowe’en, and this stresses them out.
  • Do not leave dogs outside where they could be victim to Hallowe’en mischief.
  • Decorations can be a problem when dogs knock them over or become entangled.
  • Dark chocolate can cause neurological and heart problems.
  • Candy and candy wrappers can cause intestinal problems causing the dog to feel unwell.
  • Some artificial sweeteners found in gum can be poisonous and cause seizures.
  • People miss the signs of stress the dog is communicating.  When dogs are stressed, dog aggression is more likely to occur.

Learn more about the common signs of stress in dogs so that this Halloween, you’ll know just how comfortable your dog really is.



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